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551 - 560 of 1554 results
  • FCNL Applauds Bipartisan Initiative to End Illegal American War in Yemen

    Press Release | December 9, 2020
    Washington, DC – The Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) applauds legislation introduced by a bipartisan quartet of U.S. Representatives to end U.S. military backing for the Saudi-led war in Yemen.
  • Bringing Ourselves into Lobbying

    Event - Quaker Changemaker Series | March 9, 2021
    FCNL’s March Quaker Changemaker event is an intergenerational conversation about what “bringing ourselves into lobbying” looks like. Speakers will offer their own experiences, encourage us all to consider how identity affects our lobbying, and discuss the ways that power and privilege show up in (and can be challenged through) congressional advocacy.
  • Living the Palestine Experience by Arthur Meyer Boyd and Margaret Boyd Meyer

    Event | August 17, 2020
    Under military occupation in Palestine, a Quaker school is thriving. How are Quaker values providing hope and building a foundation for a peaceful, just future? How does the Israeli-Palestinian conflict affect daily life in Israel and Palestine? What might the future hold for this troubled region? Join us for the next Quaker Change Maker series event to hear how from Friends Arthur Meyer Boyd and Margaret Boyd Meyer.
  • Emma Hulbert

    Person - Program Assistants 2021 | July 20, 2022
    Emma Hulbert was FCNL’s 2021-2022 program assistant for Quaker Outreach.
  • How Mysticism Informs Quaker Activism

    Background | September 28, 2016
    In this QuakerSpeak video, Jennie Isbell explores her journey from skepticism into activism.
  • SLW Coverage: Ms. Davis-Walsh goes to Washington

    FCNL in the News | September 11, 2019

    Recent Kennett High grad Fiona Davis-Walsh spent part of her spring break in the nation’s capital lobbying lawmakers about immigration.

  • Strengthening Democracy this Election Year

    Event - Quaker Changemaker Series | September 13, 2022
    Join us on Weds. Sept. 28 at 6:30 p.m. EDT to discuss how Quakers are being led to respond to threats to our democracy. We’ll be joined by Gretchen Castle, dean of the Earlham School of Religion and a member of the Quaker Call steering committee, and Margaret Lew, a Friend from New York actively involved in organizing efforts responding to the Quaker Call to action. They’ll be in dialogue with FCNL’s Senior Director of Community and Culture Alicia McBride.
  • Addressing the Legacy of Indian Boarding Schools

    Page | January 31, 2023
    In the 19th and early 20th centuries, Christian churches collaborated with the government to create hundreds of boarding schools for Native American children.
  • Join Fellow Quaker Advocates: Take Action Today

    Background | June 12, 2020
    These are urgent times.
  • Quaker Meeting Aligns with Nuclear Treaty

    Background | June 25, 2021
    Friend Timmon Wallis approached the meeting with an idea: Northampton could become the first faith community in the United States to come into compliance with the Nuclear Ban Treaty.