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351 - 360 of 1553 results
  • The Failures of The War On Terror

    Background | August 31, 2022
    The Friends Committee on National Legislation believes the U.S. War on Terror—the use of war and other military means to defeat terrorist groups—is based on a flawed proposition. It is simply not possible through the use of armed force to eliminate armed groups who engage in terrorism.
  • Take a Stand for Peace and Get Rid of the Draft

    Update | April 16, 2021
    Peace is more than a buzzword. For Quakers and advocates across the world, it is a calling, a way of life that affirms our faith, our morals, and our collective humanity. And throughout U.S. history, few things have challenged that commitment to living in peace more than the military draft.
  • The Electoral College Should be Abolished

    Background | October 20, 2020
    On July 6, 2020, the Supreme Court ruled that states have the power to require presidential electors to vote for their party’s candidate for president. One of the plaintiffs as a “faithless elector,” was Esther Little Dove John, a member of the FCNL General Committee and from Sierra Cascades Yearly Meeting.
  • Faith Community to Congress: Reduce Funding for Unchecked Immigration Enforcement

    Letter | November 20, 2018
    FCNL joined thirty-six national, faith-based organizations calling on Congress to rein in funding for unchecked, unaccountable detention, deportation, and border enforcement policies.
  • "Care, Not Cuts" Rally Opposes Draconian House Budget Plan

    Press Release | April 28, 2023
    This afternoon, faith leaders, service providers, and advocates joined Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro in holding a rally and press conference opposing the House budget plan scheduled for a vote later today.
  • Faith Leaders Oppose Rescinding Critical Program for Immigrant Youth

    Press Release | December 9, 2020
    Faith leaders from various traditions stand united in opposition to the President’s decision, and in support of DACA-recipients. Faith communities across the country urge Members of Congress to stand in solidarity with immigrant youth and support an immediate, clean passage of S.1615/H.R.3440, the Dream Act of 2017.
  • Good Housing Policy Reduces Poverty: Congress Must Fund These Essential Programs

    Update | November 25, 2020
    The Senate recently passed H.R.3055, a package of appropriations bills for FY2020, which included funding for the departments of Agriculture; Commerce, Justice, and Science; Interior; and Transportation and Housing (T-HUD).
  • Bills and a Budget for the World We Seek

    Update | October 6, 2020
    Five months into the 116th Congress and FCNL is off to a running start with a large portfolio of bills. So far, it passed one bill and dozens more have been introduced in Congress. As bills are being introduced, FCNL staff lobbyists are also actively working to ensure that the Fiscal Year 2020 federal spending bills reflect our values as people of faith.
  • Inside the Greenhouse

    Inside the Greenhouse | June 17, 2020
    Inside the Greenhouse is a monthly newsletter about FCNL’s environmental work, ways to engage members of Congress, and stories that impact our work.
  • The Power of Persistent Advocacy

    Background | October 6, 2020
    Scott Greenler has been involved in several FCNL young adult programs focused on addressing climate change, including Spring Lobby Weekend, Advocacy Corps, and as a Young Fellow. Throughout these programs, he focused on climate change. In this Q&A, he shares about his experiences advocating for environmental justice with FCNL.