31 - 40 of 1456 results
We Seek an Earth Restored
The World We Seek guides the efforts of the Friends Committee on National Legislation.
Bridget Moix's Remarks at a Meeting with President Pezeshkian of Iran
Remarks as prepared for delivery for Bridget Moix’s September 24, 2024 meeting with President Masoud Pezeshkian of Iran in New York City.
Our Faith Calls Us to Never Give Up
Bridget Moix, general secretary of FCNL, and
Financials and Annual Reports
FCNL and the FCNL Education Fund continue to benefit from the generosity of our supporters, directly through Annual Fund giving and indirectly through the gifts for operations from the successful capital campaign completed in 2017.
To Move Forward, We Must Look Back
Anti-immigrant statements have flooded the airwaves this election cycle, threats of mass deportation and detention chief among them.
Loving Our Post-Election Neighbors, No Exception
In times of fear and danger, we are called into deeper community with one another – and with those with whom we disagree. We are called to love our enemies, and to work for the transformation of our world into the beloved community we know is possible.Towards the World We Seek: FCNL 2024-2028 Strategic Plan
This five-year plan is not merely a document; it is a strategic commitment to the future. In a world marked by rapid change and unpredictability, this plan serves as a compass to guide our way. It will enable us to stay the course when needed and to bravely chart new paths when those are needed to realize our vision of the world we seek.Campus Chapters
Citizenship for Our Families, Neighbors, and Communities
Congress has the power to provide permanent solutions for our undocumented communities. Provisions of pathway to citizenship legislation have support from the majority of federal legislators, 1,200 faith leaders, over 100 of the nation’s top businesses, and 70% of voters across party lines. Notably, 58% of Republicans and Democrats nationwide favor a pathway to citizenship opposed to only 26% favoring the mass deportation of undocumented immigrants.Engagement in the 2024 Election
FCNL focuses on policy change in Washington and no matter what happens at the polls, our work will continue. Yet, elections are our greatest chance to participate in democracy and to organize and build power.