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November 2021: Inside the Greenhouse
In late October, the White House and congressional leaders agreed to a preliminary framework for the Build Back Better Act. The framework contains some critical climate policies that FCNL has advocated for.World Refugee Day Opening Remarks
WASHINGTON, DC - In commemoration of World Refugee Day, Rep. Ted W. Lieu (D-Los Angeles County) will join Members of Congress, Minnesota State Rep. Ilhan Omar, refugees and faith leaders to talk about Congress’s bipartisan commitment to welcome and protect refugees.End This New Arms Race
DeAnne Butterfield spent this summer as a Friend in Washington, a program where seasoned Friends share their experience. She is a member of FCNL’s General Committee and the Intermountain Yearly Meeting.Inside the Greenhouse
Inside the Greenhouse is a monthly newsletter about FCNL’s environmental work, ways to engage members of Congress, and stories that impact our work.Destroyed in a Flash 73 Years Ago
On Aug. 6, 1945, Little Boy was dropped in Hiroshima. Three days later, U.S. planes dropped Fat Man in Nagasaki. We interviewed our current Friend in Washington, Diana Wickes Roose, who talked with several victims in Japan. In her June-August 2018 residency at FCNL, she wrote for a book on FCNL’s 75th anniversary and conducted research on the militarization of local police.Faith Leaders Send Letter Opposing Extreme Enforcement Proposal
Seventy-eight faith leaders sent a letter to Congress in opposition to H.R. 4760, an immigration proposal that would undermine immigrant communities under the guise of protecting immigrant youth.Quakers Know Prisons from the Inside Out
From the earliest days of their formation as the Religious Society of Friends, Quakers were imprisoned as they followed their evangelist leadings. Their crimes were blasphemy, public speaking, refusal to swear oaths, and disturbing the peace, among other distressing behaviors.Minute on the Ukraine War
Boulder Friends Meeting statement of concern about the Ukraine War.Inside the Greenhouse
We seek an earth restored. “Inside the Greenhouse” is a monthly newsletter which provides insight into FCNL’s environmental work, discusses opportunities to engage members of Congress on environmental issues, and shares stories of your work around the country.Minute on Responding to the Police Violence Against People of Color
Friends Meeting of Austin Minute on Responding to the Police Violence Against People of Color, June 2020.