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1471 - 1480 of 1553 results
  • The Time is Now: Re-Commit to Peace

    Statement | September 21, 2020
    Sept. 21 marks the International Day of Peace and 2020 is the 75th anniversary of the signing of the UN charter. To mark the occasion, the Quaker United Nations Office led FCNL and more than 170 peacebuilding organizations from around the world in calling on the international community to recommit to the founding vision of the United Nations: international peace and friendly relations among nations.
  • FCNL’s Networks Spoke Up For Repeal of the 2002 Iraq AUMF. Congress Listened.

    Update | June 22, 2021
    A small group of determined advocates with the moral high ground can make a big difference.
  • Building Peace and Protecting the Environment in The Democratic Republic of Congo’s Okapi Wildlife Reserve

    Update | August 1, 2023
    Lawmakers can save lives, prevent suffering, and save U.S. taxpayer dollars by investing in key peacebuilding accounts. Learn more from Hervé Mbouri, a Cameroonian protection and peacebuilding specialist working in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Hervé works with Search for Common Ground, one of the largest peacebuilding organizations focused on ending violent conflict around the world.
  • FCNL Joins Interfaith Coalition in Drafting Carbon Pricing Principles

    Background | October 22, 2020
    FCNL joined 20 faith-based organizations in drafting and endorsing a set of principles on carbon pricing. We believe that these principles can help guide policymakers as they work to advance climate legislation.
  • National Security Experts Warn Against Deployment of Dangerous New Nuke

    Letter | November 19, 2019
    Along with dozens of coalition partners and national security experts, FCNL sent Sen. Jack Reed (RI), ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, a letter urging him to support a provision in the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that bars deployment of new low-yield nuclear warheads.
  • Lobbying and Advocacy During Summer Recess

    Update | October 6, 2020
    FCNL constituents visited local congressional offices across the country this summer while Congress was home for the August recess. Working with staff from our Washington office, volunteers organized more than 129 lobby visits or in some cases just dropped by congressional offices.
  • Changing the Blank Check for War

    Background | October 6, 2020
    With the Trump Administration taking threatening steps toward Iran and Venezuela, and U.S. forces involved in dozens of conflicts around the world, it is clearer than ever that Congress must act to take back its constitutional authority over war. This authority is guaranteed in Article I of the U.S. Constitution, but for too long, Congress has ceded this power to the executive branch.
  • Immigration: Build Bridges, Not Walls

    Background | October 6, 2020
    Every person is a child of God. No matter someone’s religion, country of origin, race, or wealth, we are called to acknowledge that divine spark and encounter each other with respect and compassion.
  • FCNL Joins With 21 Other NGOs to Oppose Low-Yield Nuclear Weapons

    Letter | June 22, 2020
    On May 4, FCNL and 21 other organizations wrote to the Senate asking it to deny funding for a dangerous and destabilizing new “low-yield” nuclear warhead for the Navy’s submarine launched ballistic missile that would increase the chances of nuclear war. Read the letter below.
  • End Food Insecurity by Not Taking Food Away from People

    Update | October 6, 2020
    As House and Senate negotiators were reportedly nearing a deal on the farm bill, some 400 Quakers and friends lobbied hard to ensure that the final bill includes strong protections for SNAP (food stamps). They were in Washington, DC, for FCNL’s Annual Meeting and Quaker Public Policy Institute, Nov. 29 to Dec. 2, 2018.