Questions for Trump's New Foreign Policy Team
President-elect Trump’s cabinet nominees will help set the direction of U.S. foreign policy going forward. They need to be able to answer serious questions about building a more peaceful world.We Are Our Own Medicine
A report of an American Friends Service Committee Delegation to Standing Rock
The Politics of Islamophobia
Western Friend interviewed FCNL’s Yasmine Taeb about the politics of Islamophobia and how it impacts her lobbying efforts on Syrian refugees and other issues.
Helen Mountjoy-Venning
Helen Mountjoy-Venning is a graduate of Earlham College, where she studied environmental studies and Middle Eastern Studies, and helped lead a campus divestment campaign. During college she studied abroad in Amman, Jordan, interning at Friends of the Earth Middle East.
Sam Fuller
Sam Fuller is a senior Political Science and Economics double major at Berry College in Rome, Georgia. For the past year, Sam has been working with local community members and leaders to organize events that promote diversity and stand against hate.
Tom Cassidy
Tom Cassidy was born and raised in Houston, Texas. He is a graduate of Strake Jesuit College Prep where he was President of the Ecology Club and a member of the Campus Green Committee. Tom is a convinced Quaker who has been an active attender at Live Oak Friends Meeting since November 2014.
Your Community Lobby Day Stories
All around the country, members of the FCNL community have been visiting the local offices of their members of Congress and asking them how they will work to #unlockjustice in 2017.Your Power and FCNL Advocacy Teams
As we see how the political changes in Washington will affect people across the country, we know that motivating Congress to act is essential. That’s where you have power—to be persistent advocates for justice and peace with your members of Congress.197 Organizations Call on President Obama to Rescind NSEERS
Members of President-elect Trump’s transition team have suggested that the Trump administration might reinstate NSEERS, a discriminatory system that functioned as a registry for Muslim immigrants. In this letter, FCNL and nearly 200 other organizations ask President Obama to take action to ensure that this does not happen.Connecting Policy Issues with Standing Rock
Issues raised by the Standing Rock Sioux and their allies weave through many of the interactions between the federal government and Native peoples in the U.S. and define and describe the flawed relationship between the U.S. and Indian nations.