131 - 140 of 1456 results
Interfaith Letter: Support Victims of U.S. Nuclear Testing
Fifteen interfaith groups joined in a letter to members of Congress to urge them to support and expedite the passage of the Radiation Exposure Compensation Reauthorization Act.
Minute on Women's Reproductive Healthcare: Lopez Island Friends Meeting (WA)
Lopez Island Friends Meeting (LIFIM) recognizes that human life is sacred, and that Spirit can guide us individually and collectively. LIFM supports individual discernment in a spirit of love and truth in making reproductive healthcare decisions, as we do in other areas of conscientious moral choice.Minute Concerning the War in Israel-Palestine: Montclair Monthly Meeting (NJ)
As members of the Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends in Montclair, New Jersey, we proclaim this Peace Testimony. We believe that there is that of God in every person. We believe that violence only perpetuates violence. Therefore, we oppose the use of violence, and we work to realize peace, together with justice and compassion, to heal this world.Minute Concerning the War in Israel-Palestine: Friends Meeting of Washington (DC)
We are called to act in faith and love, with persistence, patience, and courage, as partners and hands of the divine spirit as we pursue the sacred goal of peace, shalom, salaam.Minute Concerning the War in Israel-Palestine: Honolulu Friends Meeting (HI)
Minute Concerning the War in Israel-Palestine: Memphis Friends Meeting (TN)
As Quakers, we are committed to nonviolence and we respect the universal sanctity and dignity of all people. We urge our government to redouble efforts including those outlined in this minute.Minute of Peace on the War in Israel-Palestine: Adelphi Friends Meeting (MD)
As Adelphi Friends Meeting, we pray that this lengthy conflict be ended quickly in a way that insures freedom, safety, and justice for all. Let us seek paths to work for peace with the tools available to us.Minute Concerning the War in Israel-Palestine: Storrs Friends Meeting (CT)
A just and lasting peace would insure that all cultural and religious identities are respected with equitable geographic and economic resources.Continuing Revolution: Restorative Justice as Spiritual Practice
Friends Place, along with two of our Quaker retreat center peer organizations, Beacon Hill Friends House, and Pendle Hill, will be hosting a retreat
Elections 2022: How to Engage
This is an extraordinary election year. As people of faith, our voices are needed not only to strengthen our democracy but to help end bigotry and hate, prevent electoral violence, and begin to heal the deep divisions in our country. Find ways to engage in the 2022 elections through early voting, volunteering as a poll worker, engaging in election protection work as a poll chaplain, and more.