1281 - 1290 of 1461 results
Quaker Witness = Might and Action
As the nation faces the latest mass shooting in Sutherland Springs, Texas, Friends are offering thoughts and prayers, holding in the light all who are touched by these human tragedies. Out of this sense of spirit, Friends are also committing to action to stop this violence.65 Groups to Congress: Stop Yemen War, Support HConRes 81
Dear Congressmen Khanna, Massie, Pocan, and Jones,Letter from U.S. Faith Communities on Reducing Tensions with North Korea
On October 26, leaders from several faith communities came together to convey to Congress their concerns about the escalating rhetoric between the United States and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.FCNL Welcomes Transparency in Energy Production Act
FCNL is pleased to announce the introduction of the bipartisan Transparency in Energy Production Act of 2017.Senate Re-Introduces Sentencing Reform
Senate sponsors, led by Senators Grassley (IA) and Durbin (IL), have re-introduced the Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act (SRCA).Time for Bipartisan Action to Protect Our Care
The Friends Committee on National Legislation strongly condemns President Trump’s recent executive order to halt federal cost-sharing reduction payments and calls on Congress to pass the bipartisan Alexander-Murray deal.FCNL Denounces Repeal of Clean Power Plan
In a statement made on October 9th by EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, the Administration will officially repeal the Clean Power Plan.Laurie McPherson
Laurie facilitates and oversees the Quaker Welcome Center programming.
Joint statement: Grassroots groups respond to Trump’s decision to decertify the Iran nuclear deal
Joint statement by Beyond the Bomb, CREDO, Friends Committee on National Legislation, Indivisible, J Street, Civic Action, NIAC Action, Peace Action, VoteVets, Win Without War, and Women’s Action for New Directions on Donald Trump’s decision to decertify the Iran nuclear agreement.
Climate Champions
FCNL works alongside many other organizations to foster bipartisan action on climate change. Our goals of growing respectful relationships with members of Congress at the grassroots level are shared by the Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL).