Minute Concerning the War in Israel-Palestine: Columbia Friends Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends
Let us seek paths to work for peace, to act in faith and love, with persistence, patience, and courage. We ask everyone, including those in power, to learn from and work with the peacebuilders, who have labored long and hard. May they lead us all in creating an enduring peace built on justice and reconciliation that provides safety, sovereignty, and a future free of war as Palestinians, Israelis and all people of the region become partners pursuing the sacred goal of Peace.Minute Concerning the War in Israel-Palestine: Wilmington Monthly Meeting (DE)
We grieve for the loss of life and suffering witnessed in Israel/Palestine on both sides. We value the lives of all people equally. In keeping with our Quaker Peace Testimony, we maintain that WAR IS NOT THE ANSWER to ending a conflict that has endured for more than 100 years.A Major Step Forward for Truth and Healing for Native Communities
In a major win for Native survivors and communities, Congress took an important step forward last week in the journey to reconciliation and healing from the harms of the Indian boarding schools era.
Four Years After George Floyd’s Murder, Congress Has Unfinished Work to Bring Needed Change
Four year’s later, we’re still waiting for Congress to head our calls. We need societal change and real legislative solutions to address the crisis of police violence. Lawmakers must take long overdue action, beginning by finally passing the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act.Seeds of Hope in Oklahoma
From April 11 to April 13, we had the privilege of immersing ourselves in the Oklahoma City metro area, thanks to the warm welcome extended by the members of the Norman Friends Meeting.
Quaker Contacts
FCNL’s grassroots network includes hundreds of Quaker meetings and churches around the country.This Week in the World: A Step Closer to Truth, Justice, and Healing for Native Communities
This week, Congress took an important step toward addressing the painful legacy of Indian boarding schools.
Q&A: Children Support a Ceasefire in Gaza
Early this year, Hassan El-Tayyab returned to Ramallah Friends School in the West Bank. In talking with students, he asked them if they support a ceasefire in Gaza and their hopes for Palestine.
This Week in the World: Amid Anti-Immigrant Attacks, We Can and Must Do Better
This week, President Joe Biden imposed sweeping restrictions on the rights of vulnerable people to seek asylum in the United States.
Quaker Lobby Rejects Unjust Executive Order on Asylum
FCNL today called on President Joe Biden to rescind his executive order restricting access of asylum seekers to the country.