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Theo Sitther directed the peacebuilding program at FCNL and oversaw the work of the peacebuilding team. He lobbied to change and reform militarized counterterrorism policies with a particular focus on military assistance.

Theo’s writing has appeared in The Hill and U.S. News and World Report. He has also been interviewed by CCTV and RT. As part of his work with FCNL, Theo has traveled to Kenya and Burundi.

Theo is listed as a security assistance expert by the Forum on Arms Trade. He serves on the board of directors of the Latin America Working Group and on the advisory board of the Charity and Security Network.

Theo received his M.A. in Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation from Eastern Mennonite University’s Center for Justice and Peacebuilding. His graduate studies focused on the intersection between conflict, development, and peacebuilding. He also holds a B.A. in Biblical Studies from Eastern University.

Prior to joining FCNL in April 2014, Theo worked for Mennonite Central Committee as the Senior Legislative Associate for International Affairs, where he led advocacy efforts related to Haiti, Colombia, Afghanistan, and North Korea. As part of his work with MCC, Theo has traveled to Afghanistan, Cambodia, Colombia, Guatemala, Haiti, Laos, Mexico, North Korea, South Korea, and Vietnam. Before joining MCC in 2006 Theo worked at the Center on Conscience & War as the lobbyist for conscientious objector rights and as a counselor on the GI Rights Hotline.