Virtual Witness Wednesday Silent Reflection
Take a moment to reflect in keeping with the Quaker practice of silent worship.
Take a moment to reflect in keeping with the Quaker practice of silent worship.
José Santos Woss, FCNL’s Legislative Manager for Justice Reform and Election Integrity, will offer the Keynote address at the virtual gathering of Intermountain Yearly Meeting’s gathering. The event will take place from June 16-20, 2021.
Join me for a conversation with Shoshana Abrams to learn how FCNL Advocacy Teams are engaging with their elected officials.
Take a moment to reflect in keeping with the Quaker practice of silent worship.
As Congress negotiates investment in human infrastructure, we have a singular opportunity in over half a century to transform the future—a task that will require many voices.
Take a moment to reflect in keeping with the Quaker practice of silent worship.
Join us for a conversation with Josh Dickson, White House senior adviser for faith engagement, on the path forward for the American Jobs Plan and American Families Plan.
FCNL’s Quaker Changemaker series has lifted up stories of Friends working in lobbying, advocacy, public office, and more—but we’ve yet to highlight stories of Quakers working in the legislative process as staff to an elected official.
How have Friends made the decision to pursue work in legislative bodies? How does their role, and their work in public service, intersect with their Quaker identity?
Take a moment to reflect in keeping with the Quaker practice of silent worship.
Take a moment to reflect in keeping with the Quaker practice of silent worship.