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Mike Labrum / Unsplash

A Call to Renew Our Democracy and Love Our Neighbors

We are dismayed and heartbroken by the assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump. We hold him, those killed and wounded, and all those affected in the Light. This tragic and frightening event is part of an ongoing escalation of politically related violence in our country that threatens us all and that must be urgently de-escalated.  

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Peace advocates rally in front of U.S. Captiol
Eric Bond

Quakers in Action

2022-2023 Advocacy Corps members smile in front of U.S. Capitol
Joe Molieri

Young Adult Advocacy

A new banner hangs from the FCNL building.
Matthew Paul D'Agostino / FCNL

The 2024 Election

With escalating conflict, rising inequality, racial injustice, disinformation, and anti-democratic forces, amid an ever-worsening climate crisis, the 2024 elections have high stakes. FCNL focuses on policy change in Washington and no matter what happens at the polls, our work will continue. Yet elections are our greatest chance to participate in democracy and to organize and build power.

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Issues We Work On

We seek a world free of war and the threat of war.

We seek a society with equity and justice for all.

We seek a community where every person's potential may be fulfilled.

We seek an earth restored.

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