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As the war in Ukraine creeps into its second fall and winter, FCNL continues to strongly condemn Russia’s illegal and brutal invasion. FCNL believes that violence is not inevitable. The U.S. has a responsibility and an opportunity to support a just and lasting peace in the region, which can only be achieved through peaceful means. This militarized response has not gotten Russia, Ukraine, or the world closer to ending the conflict. 

In our new policy roadmap, “The War in Ukraine and the Urgent Need for Diplomatic Solutions,” FCNL recommends the following congressional actions: 

•    Require the administration to provide a diplomatic strategy.
•    Increase restrictions on cluster munitions and other indiscriminate weapons.
•    Increase funding for humanitarian assistance and peacebuilding.
•    Ensure arms control is an integral part of the U.S. response.
•    Fully fund and support international institutions.
•    Strengthen oversight on military aid.

To effectively overcome the challenges and impact of the crisis in Ukraine, U.S. foreign policy needs a major reorientation. Collectively, the actions described in the brief would set a path toward de-escalating the conflict, supporting a long-term diplomatic resolution, and securing sustainable peace in the region. FCNL hopes that this resource will be helpful to lawmakers, partner organizations, and constituent advocates as we all continue to navigate the complexity of the conflict. 

Read the Brief: The War in Ukraine and the Urgent Need for Diplomatic Solutions

Lauren Evans

Lauren Evans

Program Assistant for Peacebuilding (2023-2024)

Lauren Evans is FCNL’s 2023-2024 program assistant for Peacebuilding, assisting the team in advocating for sustainable and nonviolent U.S. foreign policy.