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Quaker Pacifism in the Context of War

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, many Friends have struggled to make sense of their pacifism and the morality of their non-violent stance. Watching the horrors of the war unfold has led many Quakers to reflect on what it means to be a pacifist and, for some, to question whether Quakers should be pacifist at all.

FCNL Starts Discerning Priorities for 118th Congress

Every two years, the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) asks Quaker communities to discern the most pressing legislative priorities for Congress. This input becomes the basis of FCNL’s advocacy work for the coming Congress.

Six Tips for Participating in FCNL’s Legislative Priorities Process

A distinctive feature of the Friends Committee on National Legislation is our practice of asking Quakers around the country to help shape our work. This input becomes the basis of FCNL’s legislative advocacy in the coming Congress. Here are six tips to help you engage successfully and faithfully with this process in your community.

Amelia Kegan speaking at Earlham College
Eric Bond

Workshops and Programs for Deepening Faith-in-Action

Through FCNL’s online and onsite travel to monthly meetings, Friends churches, and other Quaker communities, we join in meeting for worship, share messages, hear leadings and concerns, and provide spiritual and practical support to knit together Friends’ witness and FCNL’s advocacy for the world we seek. Here are just some of the ministries we offer Quaker communities and ways we can be a resource for your witness. Request a visitor to lead a program or contact us at to learn more.

Quaker Leaders Recommit to Work of Building Just World for All

On Dec. 6-8, FCNL’s outgoing General Secretary Diane Randall and incoming leader Bridget Moix joined leaders from Quaker Agencies in London to mark a time of transition in our leadership and our work. Together they affirmed their collective commitment to working to build the just and peaceful world God tells us can be ours.