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In a world that feels increasingly consumed by conflict, the United States faces critical decisions regarding national security and Pentagon spending.

Against the backdrop of ballooning military budgets, the Unfunded Priorities List stands out among the Defense Department’s many budgeting challenges. These Congressionally mandated annual “wish lists” regularly total billions of dollars, consistently leading to unnecessary and unchecked increases in military spending while further diverting resources from crucial needs, including social programs and environmental protection efforts.

Support and Co-Sponsor the Streamline Pentagon Budgeting Act (H.R.4740)

As a Quaker organization, FCNL believes we are called to love and care for our neighbors. This status quo of greenlighting high levels of unchecked spending on weapons and war displaces vital spending on human needs. Our country should focus on the urgent needs of our communities, not on paying ever more for weapons and war that only fuel more violence and long-term insecurity.

The Unfunded Priorities List offers a backdoor for boosting military spending, a practice that has received criticism from both sides of the aisle. Even the Pentagon is on record opposing the Unfunded Priorities List and urging Congress to “reconsider … this approach.” Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin himself publicly confirmed he “would support” ending this unnecessary and problematic requirement.

The Streamline Pentagon Budgeting Act (H.R.4740) will:

  • Repeal statutory requirements for the top military officers, combatant commanders, and the Missile Defense Agency to provide unfunded priorities lists;
  • Reduce wasteful reporting burdens;
  • Enhance civilian oversight over the budgetary process; and
  • Increase accountability and begin the process of realigning our nation’s spending priorities away from endless war and towards more pressing needs that impact our communities and the world.
Contact: Allen Hester, Congressional Representative for Nuclear Disarmament & Pentagon Spending,