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A collection of Quaker organization upon hearing the concerns that F/friends are holding around the upcoming 2024 elections, are joining together to offer a series of worship for centering, reflection, and listening for the presence of Spirit during this time. Especially in moments like these when emotions are high and the path forward is uncertain, listening with others - and linking that listening across communities - can help ground us as we navigate what this election will mean for us all.

Quaker Worship Calendar

Daily worship, 8:30-9:10 a.m. ET Pendle Hill (hybrid)

Wednesday, October 30, 5-6 p.m. ET FCNL Witness Wednesday worship with Emily Provance (online)

Sunday, November 3 7-9 p.m. ET Quaker Call to Action and Earlham School of Religion worship (online)

Wednesday, November 6, 5-6 p.m. ET FCNL Witness Wednesday worship (online)

Wednesday, November 13 – 5-6:30 p.m. ET FCNL Witness Wednesday worship (online) 


In this moment…

  • How are we making space for the Spirit to enter?

  • What can we learn?

  • Who is most vulnerable?

  • Where are the gaps? Which of those gaps am I called to stand in?

  • What does honesty and truth telling look like?

How do you care for yourself…

  • What are you holding around this election season?

  • How are you caring for yourself?

  • What does grounding and healing look like for you?  

How do you care for others…

  • Who are you tempted to see as an “other” in this process? 

  • How are you feeling the complexity of being called to love?

  • What does it look like to love our neighbor without exception? 

  • How are we holding those who are hurt with a tender heart?

Interfaith and Other Election-Related Events

Tuesday October 1 7 p.m. ET Help! There’s An Election Coming – Thee Quaker – online – Diane Randall and Emily Provance

Wednesday October 30 6:30-7:30 p.m. ET Friends’ Witness and Action for Our Democracy - FCNL Quaker Changemaker event – online – Diane Randall and Emily Provance

Monday November 4  7:30-9 p.m. ET Towards a Just Democracy: Spiritual Grounding and Principled Action – Pendle Hill First Monday lecture with FCNL’s José Moreno and Alicia McBride - hybrid